Thoughts on CPH
As an Englishman who's just returned from a 4 day trip to Copenhagen I'd like to give my thoughts on the City.
We stayed in DR Byen and didn't venture past the Carlsberg museum so much of what I say probably won't apply to most of Copenhagen.
I've seen posts on here criticising the transport network. But at no point did we have to wait more than 6 minutes for a train or metro. It was efficient, clean and good value for money. The transport network in England is the worst performing while being the most expensive, so the bar was set low. But I was very impressed by it.
The food and drink was very good. I like to try the host countries traditional dishes. So I tried herring a few times and other traditional dishes. Danish beer is now my favourite beer. I was told before I arrived it's the most expensive city in Europe but I found the prices very comparable to London so I don't think that's the case. Overall I was impressed withe most of the bars and restaurants we visited.
I like the Danish people a lot. Most keep themselves to themselves. But the ones that we did interact with were pleasant and helpful. I was very impressed with how many people can speak English! I even heard conversations between Danes, in English.
There was so much to do and see, we couldn't fit it all in 4 days. I would like to see it again in the summer as I bet it's a whole different vibe.
The UK is on a steep decline, the quality of life, services, cost of living etc. But from what I saw in Copenhagen, it is a City that's well run and the quality of life is so much better.
I'm sure their are locals who may disagree with some of the things I've said, but I would definitely recommend to people who want to visit!
As an Englishman who's just returned from a 4 day trip to Copenhagen I'd like to give my thoughts on the City.
We stayed in DR Byen and didn't venture past the Carlsberg museum so much of what I say probably won't apply to most of Copenhagen.
I've seen posts on here criticising the transport network. But at no point did we have to wait more than 6 minutes for a train or metro. It was efficient, clean and good value for money. The transport network in England is the worst performing while being the most expensive, so the bar was set low. But I was very impressed by it.
The food and drink was very good. I like to try the host countries traditional dishes. So I tried herring a few times and other traditional dishes. Danish beer is now my favourite beer. I was told before I arrived it's the most expensive city in Europe but I found the prices very comparable to London so I don't think that's the case. Overall I was impressed withe most of the bars and restaurants we visited.
I like the Danish people a lot. Most keep themselves to themselves. But the ones that we did interact with were pleasant and helpful. I was very impressed with how many people can speak English! I even heard conversations between Danes, in English.
There was so much to do and see, we couldn't fit it all in 4 days. I would like to see it again in the summer as I bet it's a whole different vibe.
The UK is on a steep decline, the quality of life, services, cost of living etc. But from what I saw in Copenhagen, it is a City that's well run and the quality of life is so much better.
I'm sure their are locals who may disagree with some of the things I've said, but I would definitely recommend to people who want to visit!